One of the joys of living where there was once an orchard is inheriting a vine, about which I know very little other than it now occupies a considerable amount of the fence ‘twixt us and our neighbours. The late sunshine this Autumn seems to have produced a bumper crop of grapes!
Left to their own devices, said grapes would deliver an adequate return. Some munched by us, some left to mulch, some pecked by passing pigeons and other winged visitors to the garden. Fortunately, we have access to a touch of expertise, magic and sparkle in the wine department, courtesy of a neighbour’s father in law, who has just collected several drums of those sweet, purple globes bursting with promise and flavour, at the same time delivering a bottle of ‘Dorking Red,’ produce of last year’s harvest.
Ah what delights! How can you put a value on sitting in the Autumn sunshine, supping your own glass of heaven, produced from your own raw materials? (OK, so it may be pipped slightly by another neighbour, Denbies Vinyard just a few yards round the corner, but you know what I mean).
So how does this segue into Public Speaking and presenting? Stay on the vine with me for a moment…. It’s about that touch of expertise; that set of skills and techniques, that magic and sparkle that can transform the raw materials of your (s)talk into something rich in flavours, subtle nuances and a taste that will be remembered by all that imbibe at your table or consume at your conference….
Do enjoy a wonderful weekend!
(Ges thoroughly enjoys talking about wine, albeit has richer and more flavoursome expertise in Public Speaking & Presenting. If a workshop to build these skills and deliver confidence for your team, or a talk for your conference would be welcome, please do get in contact at or on 0794 108 3722 )