You are about to speak…
You’re terrified! Heart racing, hands wringing, stomach churning.
You’re not just speaking, but speaking in public.
You can’t get out of it now. You’ve got to leave the safety of your chair, trek to the front, turn around and face your audience.
What to do, where to go, where is the emergency exit?
You are in safe hands.
You know your stuff, you have a powerful message to share.
With Ges as your guide you will discover your natural confidence through exercises that are simple and fun. You will let go of your anxiety and engage your audience powerfully. Where you used to panic you will now persuade.
It’s all about confidence.
This practical, pocket-sized guide is packed with takeaways, tools and tips that you can use immediately
Build your confidence as a speaker, build your audience’s confidence in you and build your business.
Early Reviews
I wish Ges had written this book a decade or two ago when my fear of public speaking paralysed me…
Louise Gulliver
Managing Director Institute of Directors
This gem… is a must have for any serious executive who wants to improve performance and do it with JOY!
Leslie Brissett
Director of the Group Relations Programme
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
This book… is packed with brilliant tips and exercises to improve presentation skills.
Reading (it) is like having Ges sitting next to you.
Louise Punter
Chief Executive Surrey Chambers of Commerce
It… will be a book to keep with you to dip into when faced with a last minute public speaking engagement.
Ruth Barnes Chartered MCIPD
Director – People Development Human Resources Savills
This little book contains practical, useful tips for anyone who must speak in public.
Diana Boulter, Founder and MD of DBA Speakers.
This book… is a must read for anyone getting on their feet and presenting for the first time.
Julia Kirkland
Senior Partner Financial Services Training Partners
This is a new staple in my work bag!
This book is great to read cover to cover or to dip in and out of when needed.
Ellen Ross
Neuroscience Negotiator and Consultant
Ges takes the reader, even if terrified of speaking in public, in gentle, positive and realistic steps towards (being) able to speak in a workplace presentation, in a networking group or (heaven forbid for most people) in public!
Nigel Biggs
Entrepreneur-in-Residence, University of Surrey
Founder, Passionate Innovation Ltd
Member Professional Speaking Association
Ges manages to provide actual, real, implementable techniques that the reader can practise and use now. A true breath of fresh air.
David Seaton
CEO, International Leaders UK
A very easy read with lots of humour and real empathy and understanding of the fear that is generated by the prospect of public speaking.
Lou Williams
Growth Champion Manager Coast to Capital LEP
There are so many hints and tips that I wanted to rush out and start using it straight away!
Roya Croudace
EM3 LEP Growth Hub Director & BE Group Commercial Director
‘Speak Performance’ will stay on my desk for good.
Mike Vacher
Director Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust
This little book is a must for anyone who is asked to present… it will give you the power to be in charge of your performance.
Al Wynant, co-founder of Ingomu Learning
This handy little book is packed with massive amounts of practical advice and guidance to anyone who has a story to share on a stage.
I carry this book with me to every speaking engagement.
Sukhi Jutla – Author and entrepreneur
… you will feel supported, you will want to get up and speak after reading it!
Richard ‘Mr Productivity’ Maybury
Principle Consultant at Attitude Solutions
it stand(s) out from almost every other book on presenting I have ever read…
Mark Lee
Accountancy focused Futurist, Influencer, Speaker, Mentor, Author, Debunker
You owe it to your audience, not just yourself, to read this book. It feels as though Ges is sitting right next to you.
Nicola Macdonald
Attractive Marketing
The way this book is written speaks directly to your soul. Go out and buy it – it will change your public speaking life!
Emily Spanton-Hay
Head of Commercial Eagle Radio
You can finally say goodbye to sweaty palms and take the stage with confidence and authority…
Karan Bawa MD Ashan Ltd
I’d recommend it to any leader who wants to improve how they influence, motivate and engage with their team and their clients.
Will Meddings
Founder and editor of the military leadership development site
This book is full of humour and plenty of really sensible, easy to implement advice that will help you to reach (s)peak performance in no time.”
Chantal Cornelius, Appletree Marketing